Pastor: Steve Peterson
Steve has been at the helm of Elim since Spring of 2014. Steve comes from a very diverse background, working in churches and the missions’ field alongside his wife, Elizabeth and their children Rachel, Abigail, and R.J.

Secretary: Rhonda Schuldt

Ministry Leadership Team (MLT):
Elder of Education Timothy Le ’26* Secretary
– Deacon of Church Growth Linda Gilmour ’25*
– Deacon of Christian Education Natalie Hermann ’26
– Deacon of Missions Mary Turnbaugh ’25*
Elder of Stewardship Mike Hermann ’27 Moderator
– Deacon of Stewardship John Clarke ’25*
– Deacon of Property Don Yoeckel ’26
Elder of Ministry Martin Bear ’25 Vice Moderator
– Deacon of Worship & Music LJ Cunningham ’25
– Deacon of Personal Ministries Kim Shuda ’26
– Deacon of Prayer Fran VanHooreweghe ’25
Treasurer Sheila Yoeckel ’26*
Recording Secretary Mary VanHooreweghe ’25
Financial Secretary John Clarke (Appointed)
Memorial Secretary, Orlin and Karen Johnson (Appointed)
Nominating Committee:
– John Clarke ’26
– Amanda Le ’26
– Danielle Ogden ’25
– Terry Snipes ’25
(Term expires at the end of the year indicated next to each Ministry Leadership Team (MLT) member’s name; * indicates second term.)
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