Hymn Sing and Right Now Media

Dear Elim Family,

Yesterday afternoon, we recorded the music for our April Hymn Sing.  We hope to have the edits done by the end of the week and send it out to you.  After singing just a few of the hymns, I was struck by how powerfully the lyrics speak to our context today!  Those hymns of faith have the power to obliterate anxiety and fear!  

There were so many moments while singing where my spirit was absolutely soaring!  One, for example, was while singing “Christ the Lord Is Risen Today”:

Lives again our glorious King  Alleluia!
Where, O death, is now your sting?  Alleluia!
Dying once he all does save, Alleluia!
Where your victory, O grave? Alleluia!   (v. 2)

Soar we now where Christ has led, Alleluia! 
Foll’wing our exalted Head, Alleluia! 
Made like him, like him we rise, Alleluia! 
Ours the cross, the grave, the skies, Alleluia!   (v. 4)

Maybe hymns aren’t your thing.  But I ask you, then, what is it that super-charges your faith?  What spiritual practices obliterate fear and anxiety, and cause your spirit to soar with Christ?  For such a time as this, make time every day to connect deeply with God, using the resources that beef up your spiritual muscle and help you rise above the choking fear that is all around us.  

As for spiritual resources, I have great news!  We have a free gift for you! I’m excited to share that our church now has access to an extensive, new video library called RightNow Media!

It’s like the “Netflix of Video Bible Studies” and has a HUGE library of faith-based videos that you can access whenever and wherever you want—on your phone, tablet, computer, or on your TV at home. You will have FREE access to thousands of video resources to help you with parenting, marriage, discipleship and more. It includes content for all ages and stages of life, and all of your family members are invited to set up their own accounts as well.

You can create your own free account in two simple steps:

1. Click on the link following link to create your private account and start watching right away!
2. Download the RightNow Media app for your smart phone, tablet, Apple TV, Roku, or Amazon Fire TV.

As soon as you register, they’ll send you a tutorial video to help show you how to navigate the site and quickly find the resources that will help you most.  Parents, especially– look at the kids’ resources!!  There are thousands of really fun resources that are both engaging and edifying, and many that are outright hilarious! (e.g. “The Mr. Phil Show”).  

So I recommend to you this resource that Elim is providing.  May it help you to grow your faith and rise above the toxic anxiety, loneliness and frustration so many of us are feeling in this time of isolation.  Even in times like these, may our spirits THRIVE in Christ!  Amen!

God bless you all!  May His amazing grace and unfailing love continue to grow and increase in your hearts and home.  Amen!
Love in Him,

Pastor Steve

P.s. If you love the Right Now Media site, you are welcome to share it with family and friends.  They can also join for free! 

Quarantine Day 7,357

I don’t know how long we’ve been quarantined but it’s feeling like a really long time at this point.

As we move in to the nice part of spring… the cold bleak reality that we live in becomes ever more obvious. Sidewalks and schools empty. Who else got hailed on??? I had my hearing aids out and heard it clear as day. I’m starting to become a bit nervous. How long will this go on??? The dogs have become so frantic that they can barely handle it.

Barely. Able. To stay calm.

On a brighter note,

As we go forward, we have something new to occupy us. Elim has recently become a member of RightNow Media. Which means we have access to tons of great video footage. I thought this would be a good way to get started.

Something beautiful: Experiencing Galilee

A neat video from the donkey owner’s perspective: Palm Sunday

Wednesday April 8th, 2020

Good Morning Elim Families! It is such a beautiful day outside, I hope you get the chance to get out and enjoy it!! With the Sun shining and Birds chirping it finally feels like spring is in the air! Below is the link to the video and some fun recipe ideas!

Tonight’s recipe can be found at the link below!


other options..


Fall special mix to save for later!

Hope you enjoy snacking my Sparks and Jr. Sparks friends and see you soon! Love and Prayers, Mrs. Victoria

Egg Hunt

Hello Elim Families,

We found a way to have an Easter Egg Hunt! We’d like to offer for you to come hunt eggs at the Fowler’s house on Saturday, April 11, 2020. This will be a purely outside activity. We will have a sign up sheet to have 1 family per hour throughout the day.

While here you will get to:

Hunt eggs in the wooded area of our property.

See our chickens up close. Scott or Victoria will catch one of them to pet.

See our chicks! We have four chicks that are still in the fluffy stage! You’ll get to hold these (gently) if you want.

This opportunity is for Elim families and their immediate families. Grandparents are welcome to bring their children and grandkids. Since this is in the woods it is for kids between 2 and 17 years of age. Anyone going into the woods should wear long pants and have tennis shoes or boots.

If you want a video of what the terrain is like, Austin hosted a walkthrough that we filmed. Message Scott if you’d like to see it.

This will be first come first serve. Please text message Scott at (417) 719-0135 with your preferences on timeslot.

Saturday, April 11, 2020:

8:00 AM – 9:00 AM – Open

9:00 AM – 10:00 AM – Open

10:00 AM – 11:00 AM – Open

11:00 AM – 12:00 PM – Open

12:00 PM – 1:00 PM – Open

1:00 PM – 2:00 PM – Open

2:00 PM – 3:00 PM – Andersons

3:00 PM – 4:00 PM – Open

If these all fill up we will consider opening additional times.


KidFlix Movie Reveal

Good afternoon families! Sorry I’m a little late getting this out today. Its been a bit busy getting the week off to the right start. Anyway. Here is the video with the reveal and a little special something extra as well.

Check out the Elims Facebook page as well we have a fun Easter Hunt idea so check out the details on that over there.

See you all on Wednesday for Another fun Ingredients of a Godly Life episode!

Pastor’s (VIDEO) Missive

Dear Elim Family!

Here’s my second go at a video missive: 

It’s funny!  It’s not easy speaking to a phone camera!  But I knew y’all would give me grace for my fumbling around!  
Two things I forgot to mention: 

  1. Wish me happy anniversary!  Yesterday was my 6th year mark at serving as Elim’s pastor!  I’m LOVING it!  And I love you all!  Let’s pray God allows me to continue many, many years here!
  2. Continue to “tune in” to our on-line ministry, and especially our Sunday morning services: www.elimqc.org/eoo

God bless you all!  May His amazing grace flood your hearts and homes!  Amen!

Love in Him,

Pastor Steve

Pastor’s Missive- Peace in the Storm

Dear Elim family,

I hope this finds you well, and at peace.  I continue praying for God’s grace, protection, provision and PEACE in this time of uncertainty.  

I’ve had several conversations with individuals that are struggling with anxiety.  I thought it might be worthwhile to share with you what I’ve given to them as pastoral counsel:

  1. A question: Where and how do you find God’s peace?  In other words, what “spiritual practices” help you connect deeply with God, and where you feel a strong connection with Him?  (e.g. Reading His Word; a prayer walk; journaling; listening to Christian music; etc.).  Make a list of the top 10 ways you connect best with God.  
  2. Now, fuel up!  And keep your tank full!  I only ran out of gas ONCE in my life.  After that, I’ve made it a practice to never let my tank get too low.  Many of us struggle with anxiety when our “spiritual tanks” get low.  So keep your tank full, and never allow it to even get close to low!  Be proactive!  

    Here’s how: From your list you made above, use it as a list of “fuel sites.”  Every day, schedule in time to engage in one (or, better yet, several!) spiritual practices.  Fill that tank and keep it full!  It will work wonders to whittle down your anxiety!
  3. Now, another question: What practices (or even persons) ramp up your anxiety?  Be honest!  What people do it?  What TV shows do it (even news programs)?  What internet sites do it (e.g. Facebook)?  As best you can, limit your time with those things/people that intensify your anxiety.  C’mon!  It makes sense, doesn’t it?  If you’ve got a fire that’s getting out of control, it doesn’t help to spray gasoline on it!  

It’s a simple formula (in life, it typically is!): More of God’s influence, less of negative influences.  

All I just said is proven truthful when we read Isaiah 26:3– “You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you!”

It’s one thing to read a Scripture verse.  Another level up is memorizing it.  And another level is to meditate on it.  But the ultimate level is to live into it!  That’s when our faith really begins to work for us!  

So live into that verse by practicing what I recommend above.  Then enjoy God’s “perfect peace!!”  Even in the midst of life’s greatest storms, like this current one, we can experience a peace from God that “transcends all understanding!” (Php. 4:7).  May it be so for all of you!  Yes, Lord!  And so we all together say, “Amen!”

Love in Him,

Pastor Steve

April Fools? Not Here!

Good Morning Elim Families! No April Fools jokes here, Just coming to you with info on tonight and some challenges (see below)! I am so glad the sun is shining again today. If your anything like me you are suffering from “cabin fever” as well. Its looking like the sun is going to stick around today and temps should get up where we can get outside so take advantage of that and then join us tonight as we dive into our next ingredient and make a fun recipe together! Below is the link to the recipe we used and a couple others with different ingredients, if you want to check and make sure you have what you need to join us tonight in this baking lesson. We would love to see your baking experience take a picture or short video to share with us. We miss you all and are praying daily for each of you!!



https://princesspinkygirl.com/rainbow-sprinkle-cookies/ This is the recipe we used and will show in the video!

KIDS BIBLE CHALLENGE – Read all of 1 Samuel chapter 3 and discuss with your family how things might have looked if Samuel had ignored the calling of his name and how it would have changed how his life turned out.


PARENTS CORNER – Hey parents we have some AMAZING resources heading your way in the next week so please check back to see those and to share with your kiddos all that’s going on here at Elim even while we are not meeting together. I hope all of you saw my video about making palm branches and sharing videos and pictures of your kids with them to be featured Sunday morning in our sermon video. We cant wait to see all their smiling faces!!

Tonight’s Lesson available here!

Ingredients of a Godly Life, week 2 – April 1st, 2020