I thought that title would get your attention! Pastor Felipe shared it with me this morning: “It’s time to call 91:1. That is, it’s time to call on Psalm 91:1
Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
And the rest of the Psalm has amazing promises for us to live into, as we engage our faith and stand on God’s Word.
Today I’ve read some alarming messages that were passed along by e-mail and Facebook. However, when I checked with Snopes.com, and did a little research, I found that these are bogus claims. So, if you read that Trump is going to enact the Stafford Act and create Martial Law, calling up the National Guard, it is false. Here’s the Snopes article on it: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/white-house-quarantine-text/
And as for Governor Pritzker calling for a “Shelter-in-Place” act for Illinois, yes that’s true. However, here’s the Chicago Tribune article, and as you read it, you’ll see that it’s nothing to be alarmed about.
Here’s the link: https://www.chicagotribune.com/coronavirus/ct-coronavirus-illinois-shelter-in-place-lockdown-order-20200320-teedakbfw5gvdgmnaxlel54hau-story.html
Read the article, please! It is not a big deal, nor much of a change to what we’re already doing. We can still go to the pharmacy, the grocery store, the McDonald’s drive-thru. He even encourages you to go our for walks. The police will not arrest you! Nor is the National Guard being called in, except to help with social services: From the article: “Instead, 60 service members will be deployed to establish drive-up testing sites, help with food delivery to disadvantaged families impacted by school closures and possibly prepare closed hospitals to reopen.”
So please, as I’ve been saying all along, Remain fearless, and wise.
If you get any alarming e-mails or Facebook posts, check the source. Before you forward it along, practice due diligence. Don’t be drawn into a panic, and especially don’t draw others in, propagating a false story.
Finally, along with Elim’s wonderful leadership, we’ve been working hard this week at getting ourselves organized for on-line ministry. We still have work to do to expand it, but I’ll be sharing more, beginning Monday, and (hopefully) with regular updates.
Tomorrow morning, several of us are gathering at church to video record a worship service. Please pray for us! God willing, we’ll send out a link tomorrow night so you can worship Sunday morning, just as usual, but on-line. We’ll post the link to our website, so simply go there to view it: elimqc.org
Ultimately, remember that God is totally in control. He is sovereign, and none of this is shaking Him up! When we remain in Him, constant in prayer, and steadfast in His Word, the result will be (as is promised by God Himself!) a perfect peace (Isa. 26:3; Php. 4:7), an unshakable joy (Ps. 5:11; Jn. 15:11), and an unfailing love (Ex. 15:13; Ps. 36:7) surrounding us like a shield (Ps. 32:10). These are God’s promises! All we have to do is to rest in Him, and they are ours! So let us be true to our faith and truly live out what we believe. Amen!
God bless you all! May His promises be manifested in your hearts and homes. Amen!